What is DMIT?

DMIT stands for Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligences Test. It is a study of lines and ridges on our fingers called ‘DERMATOGLYPHICS’. These lines are formed along with the development of our brain while in the mother’s womb. Therefore this test is an ‘analysis of the brain’. It helps anyone to understand their personality, behaviour and innate potential.

This test gives an in-depth analysis of the personality and potential along with the counselling based on the report suggesting best ways to nurture oneself.

How is it done?

  • All 10 fingers are scanned within 10 minutes.
  • The scan is sent to a software system which generates a detailed 8 pages report.
  • A counselling session of minimum 120 minutes is conducted based on the report.
  • The counselling session gives an in-depth analysis of the personality and suggests ways & methods to work on in-born strengths and weaknesses of the individual.

“Learning never exhausts the mind.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

Who benefits from this test?

Children and Parents

Reveals child's in-born potential and core personality to nurture them on future career path


Helps them to chose the right employee for the job profile


To know yourself better in all respects

Couples opting for arranged marriage

Helps them choose compatible partners

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
― Aristotle

DMIT identifies

Inborn multiple intelligences

Personality and behaviour

Inborn strengths & weaknesses

Learning styles

Best career options

Counselling helps to

Enhance the multiple intelligences

Understand personality and behaviour

Work on weaknesses and use strengths to maximum potential

Learn anything better

Choose and work towards a suited career path


₹9000 per report. This includes 60 mins of counselling based on the report

Sessions will need to be pre-booked via Whatsapp.


  • Session timings are strictly followed by the minute.
  • Time of each session is decided with mutual consent while fixing the appointment for the forthcoming session.
  • Payment is to be confirmed before the start of a session.
  • All personal details shared by a client during counselling sessions are kept strictly confidential with me. The information shall only be disclosed when there is a serious threat to one’s life or property, threat to any other living being, threat to the environment or threat to state or country.

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